Harnessing AutoCAD 2010

Автор: Krishnan G. V.
Издавач: / | Јазик: Македонски | Година: 2016
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 0 | Димензии: 0 | Корица: /

HARNESSING AUTOCAD 2010 continues in the tradition of previous editions by providing the widest selection of discipline-specific exercises and projects for learning how to use today's leading desktop design and drawing software. This widely used resource contains all the latest functionality, including extensively illustrated examples of prompt-response sequences, whereby certain commands prompt users for additional information, such as coordinates or dimensions, to complete a function. The companion Exercise Manual has also been updated and is included in its entirety on the CD-Rom in the back of the book. The manual features problems in complete project format for practicing concepts and commands learned in a chapter or section as well as for testing single concepts and commands. Exercises span all of the popular disciplines in the industry today including mechanical, architectural, civil, electrical, and piping. This complete package contains a wealth of information and practical knowledge for both the novice and the advanced user.

About the Author:

G. V. Krishnan is Director of the Applied Business & Technology Center at the University of Houston (Downtown). He has been teaching basic through advanced AutoCAD courses for than 20 years at one of the nation's largest authorized Autodesk Training Centers. 

Thomas A. Stellman conducts AutoLISP seminars, has published in Cadence magazine, and recently retired as project coordinator for a state-of-the-art engineering firm. The author of Delmar's Practical AutoLISP, he has been teaching for more than 20 years.

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