Legends of Old Sarajevo

Издавач: Most Art | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2003
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 89 | Димензии: 21 cm | Корица: /

Vlajko Palavestra (1927–1993) was head of the Ethnographic Department of the Regional Museum in Sarajevo. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb and he received his PhD from the University of Belgrade (1965), with the thesis Folk Legends of the Old Population in the Dinaric Regions. In addition to questions from the domains of ethnology, folk literature, cultural anthropology, folklore studies, onomastics and toponymics, he took interest in the origin of the population of Bosnia and HercegoviVlajko Palavestra (1927–1993) was head of the Ethnographic Department of the Regional Museum in Sarajevo. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb and he received his PhD from the University of Belgrade (1965), with the thesis Folk Legends of the Old Population in the Dinaric Regions. In addition to questions from the domains of ethnology, folk literature, cultural anthropology, folklore studies, onomastics and toponymics, he took interest in the origin of the population of Bosnia and

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