My Belgrade

Издавач: Laguna | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2013
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 208 | Димензии: 33 cm | Корица: /

There is no harder task for a photographer than making photographs for a book about his own town. He is there every day, walking the same streets, looking at the same facades and parks, meeting the same people. The mysterious thrill of discovering something new and strange is missing. In creating a photo-monograph about Belgrade, I tried to forget about my whole life in the city and imagine myself a stranger descending onto unfamiliar roofs and terraces in his “Cloudhopper”, discovering unknown squaresThere is no harder task for a photographer than making photographs for a book about his own town. He is there every day, walking the same streets, looking at the same facades and parks, meeting the same people. The mysterious thrill of discovering something new and strange is missing. In creating a photo-monograph about Belgrade, I tried to forget about my whole life in the city and imagine myself a stranger descending onto unfamiliar roofs and terraces in his “Cloudhopper”, discovering unknown

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ИСБН: 978-86-521-1383-5


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