Time of Cold War – magazine Limesplus 2013 : Geopolitički časopis

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Издавач: HERAedu | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2013
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The new edition of the magazine LIMESplus gives the studious insight in the intriguing and significant period of the recent history. The Cold war is treated as a global phenomena, from the aspects of the countries of the former USSR, Germany, Finland, SAD, as well as the countries of former Yugoslavia and Balkan.... Technology of conflict Geopolitical Realignments Art of the Survival This Limes Plus issue emerged from the international conference Challenging the Shadow of the Iron CurtaiThe new edition of the magazine LIMESplus gives the studious insight in the intriguing and significant period of the recent history. The Cold war is treated as a global phenomena, from the aspects of the countries of the former USSR, Germany, Finland, SAD, as well as the countries of former Yugoslavia and Balkan.... Technology of conflict Geopolitical Realignments Art of the Survival This Limes Plus issue emerged from the international conference Challenging the Shadow of the Iron

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