My Inventions : The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla

Автор: Tesla, Nikola
Издавач: Akademska knjiga | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2016
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 170 | Димензии: 19 cm | Корица: /

The volume at hand is the autobiography of Nikola Tesla and his most widely cited work. Until his sixties Tesla never wrote about himself, nor did he discuss in interviews his upbringing, education, his life before coming to America, or his personal views on important events that informed his life and work. And then in 1915, in the June 5th issue of the Scientific American, he wrote the first autobiographical article entitled “Some Personal Recollections.” The reason for this short article can be found in oThe volume at hand is the autobiography of Nikola Tesla and his most widely cited work. Until his sixties Tesla never wrote about himself, nor did he discuss in interviews his upbringing, education, his life before coming to America, or his personal views on important events that informed his life and work. And then in 1915, in the June 5th issue of the Scientific American, he wrote the first autobiographical article entitled “Some Personal Recollections.” The reason for this short article can be found in

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