The British and Balkan Woman : british perceptions of balkan women and their femininity in the long nineteenth century (1789-1914)

Автор: Rokai, Melina
Издавач: Čigoja | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2017
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 493 | Димензии: 21 cm | Корица: /

Understanding the significance of the position of women in society and the value of the ideal of femininity amongst Victorians, The British and Balkan Woman examines the perception of the Balkan woman as an element of geopolitics of culture from a historical perspective, as it was created and perpetuated by one of the most influential European public.This thorough work provides a detailed analysis of the construction of the image of the Balkan woman amongst the British public throughout the long nineteenth Understanding the significance of the position of women in society and the value of the ideal of femininity amongst Victorians, The British and Balkan Woman examines the perception of the Balkan woman as an element of geopolitics of culture from a historical perspective, as it was created and perpetuated by one of the most influential European public.This thorough work provides a detailed analysis of the construction of the image of the Balkan woman amongst the British public throughout the long nineteenth

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ИСБН: 978-86-531-0285-2


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