Bears on the Road

Автор: Leković, Bojan
Издавач: Laguna | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2021
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 304 | Димензии: 20 cm | Корица: тврда

Intimate stories from the life of an entrepreneur.

Starting and building a business – seen through the example of an online marketplace.

At the very beginning of my journey, on my first day at work in The Netherlands, a colleague took me in, showed me my desk and my computer. The computer was running Windows. In Dutch. At the interview, they’d been all about the English. Nobody mentioned that anymore. A while after, the boss walked in and called me into his office. He told me – you’re fired.

This book is a collection of personal stories – experiences from the life of an entrepreneur. Stories about emigrating and job insecurity; stories of how an entrepreneur was born and how the idea to invest in Serbia came about, how KupujemProdajem started and how it grew; about the struggles business brings with it and the problems along the way (the bears) that have brought insight and turned an entrepreneur into a manager and business leader.

Anyone thirsting after valuable experience will find these stories full of knowledge, insight, and emotion too: stories about starting and growing your own company, about working in a small or large company, about negotiating with investors, and about managing people. And for anyone wondering what goes on in the minds of their bosses, managers and directors, and what obstacles (often mental ones) they have to face, Bears will come as a revelation.

Цена: 1250 ден

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ИСБН: 978-86-902162-4-6


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