Crime in War – Genocide in Peace : consequence of NATO bombing of Serbia 1999.

Издавач: Službeni glasnik | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2012
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 195 | Димензии: 23 cm | Корица: /

The book identifies in a documented way hundreds of locations across Serbian land that were struck by projectiles containing lethal radioactive substances. In more than 60% of cases the targets were civilian and even 44% of all the impacts were effected in the final 10 days of war, after the agreement on ending the aggression had been reached. The study Crime in War – Genocide in Peace raises our awareness of the criminal nature and the genocidal effects of the air campaign which NATO conducted againstThe book identifies in a documented way hundreds of locations across Serbian land that were struck by projectiles containing lethal radioactive substances. In more than 60% of cases the targets were civilian and even 44% of all the impacts were effected in the final 10 days of war, after the agreement on ending the aggression had been reached. The study Crime in War – Genocide in Peace raises our awareness of the criminal nature and the genocidal effects of the air campaign which NATO conducted

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ИСБН: 978-86-519-1611-6


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