Independent State of Croatia – Total Genocide, 1941–1945

Автор: Davidov, Dinko
Издавач: Svet knjige | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2015
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 203 | Димензии: 21 cm | Корица: /

Relying on abundant documentary evidence, the academician Dinko Davidov has written one more book about the pre-meditated and large-scale destruction of the Serbian Orthodox religious and cultural heritage in the Independent State of Croatia under the Ustaša rule in the Second World War. Davidov posits the theory of a total genocide committed in the Independent State of Croatia – the Ustaša did not only aim to annihilate the Serbs and cleanse them once for all from their lands (as seen in official documentsRelying on abundant documentary evidence, the academician Dinko Davidov has written one more book about the pre-meditated and large-scale destruction of the Serbian Orthodox religious and cultural heritage in the Independent State of Croatia under the Ustaša rule in the Second World War. Davidov posits the theory of a total genocide committed in the Independent State of Croatia – the Ustaša did not only aim to annihilate the Serbs and cleanse them once for all from their lands (as seen in official

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