Neolithic Communities in the Republic of Macedonia

Автор: Goce Naumov
Издавач: Данте | Јазик: English | Година: 2009
Оригинален наслов: Neolithic Communities in the Republic of Macedonia | Бр. на страни: 308 | Димензии: 210x295 | Корица: /

NEOLITHIC COMMUNITIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA considers various aspects of Neolithic material culture and examines a wide range of data in order to present all segments of life among communities from this region. Fully illustrated with figures and plates consisted of tables, house plans, pottery, tools, ornaments, figurines, models, stamps etc., this publication elaborates processes of Neolithization and social relations, as well as climate, geography, economy and visual culture manifested through agriculture, domestication, architecture, pottery production, rituals and symbolic communication.

Цена: 1730 ден


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