Populism the Serbian Way

Издавач: Peščanik | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2017
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 209 | Димензии: 22 cm | Корица: /

Finally, one thing in which the Balkans have had an advantage over Europe! Populism. Ever since that word entered general circulation, I have been getting ready to proclaim Serbia, and perhaps the entire Balkans, the vanguard of populism. To show that even we excel in something, that even we can explain to someone what’s waiting for them, what you – latecomers – have to expect, and how you might proceed! The beginning of populism in Serbia dates from the early 1870s, from the populist socialism of SvetFinally, one thing in which the Balkans have had an advantage over Europe! Populism. Ever since that word entered general circulation, I have been getting ready to proclaim Serbia, and perhaps the entire Balkans, the vanguard of populism. To show that even we excel in something, that even we can explain to someone what’s waiting for them, what you – latecomers – have to expect, and how you might proceed! The beginning of populism in Serbia dates from the early 1870s, from the populist socialism of

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