Prelom No. 8 : Edition in English

Автор: grupa autora
Издавач: Prelom Kolektiv | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2006
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 354 | Димензии: / | Корица: /

The journal Prelom No. 8, edition in English has following sections: Against the Post-Socialist Reason (texts in this section deal with revolutionary historical effects of the project of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and reflect revolution as the political form, (im)possible within the dominant neo-liberal post-Socialist rationality) , Ideology and its Diss(id)ents , Is it Possible to be a Marxist in Philosophy? (this section contains essays from the conference of the same name in Belgrade in 200The journal Prelom No. 8, edition in English has following sections: Against the Post-Socialist Reason (texts in this section deal with revolutionary historical effects of the project of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and reflect revolution as the political form, (im)possible within the dominant neo-liberal post-Socialist rationality) , Ideology and its Diss(id)ents , Is it Possible to be a Marxist in Philosophy? (this section contains essays from the conference of the same name in Belgrade in

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