The best of Macedonian cuisine: 125 simple and delicious recipes from Macedonia

Автор: Davor Panchevski
Издавач: Арс Либрис | Јазик: Македонски | Година: 2019
Оригинален наслов: The best of Macedonian cuisine: 125 simple and delicious recipes from Macedonia | Бр. на страни: 272 | Димензии: 28 | Корица: тврда

It is food that brings people together at the table. On the pages of this cookbook you will find tasty breakfasts for every family, rich desserts to mark birthdays, anniversaries and celebrations, dishes for sunday lunches, preserves and various side dishes – all of them a vital part of Macedonian cuisine. The Best of Macedonian Cuisine contains 125 simple but tasty recipes from Macedonian traditional cooking that are easy to adapt to our modern lifestyles. On the pages that follow I present you old-fashioned cooking with a modern twist.

Цена: 1200 ден

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