Return Policy

Return and refund is only possible for products that are bought and paid on under the below stated conditions.The product should be unwrapped and unused. It can be returned within 7 days, together with the attached invoice and receipt, and it can be replaced with new one. If this is the case please inform us about your request and submit it at the following address: iVote LLC SKOPJE, boulevard Partizanski odredi 102/2-1, Skopje.

In case you request return of funds this is only possible if the product is unused and in original packaging, with the attached invoice and receipt; also within 7 days of the receipt of the product. The money will be transferred to the same bank account that you used for payment of the product, but with keeping the cost of bank fees, packaging and distribution.

If we notice that the product is used, without its original packaging, or it is damaged, then the amount of returned funds will be reduced from 50 to 80% of the cost. reserves the right to change the policy for returning goods and money. All the revisions or changes will be valid after the publication on the website . You can see our policy for returning the products and funds on our web site. We recommend that each time you visit the web site, you refer to the published amendments from the policy of returning the goods and funds.