How to use promotional coupon at

Dear customers and book lovers,

If you have received a promotional coupon that you want to use, you can do so by completing the following procedure which consists of a few simple steps:

Step 1:

After you have selected the books / products that you want to order through, access the section “Cart”, which is located in the upper right corner and from the offered select the option “VIEW CART”.

Step 2:

The cart displays a list of the products you have placed for purchase. Additionally on this page just below the list of products there is a field where you can enter the code of the promotional coupon (marked on the picture with an arrow). Enter the code from the promotional coupon in the field and click on the “Apply coupon” button.

Step 3:

If you have entered the promotional coupon code correctly, you will receive the message “Coupon code applied successfully” (shown in the picture below). Otherwise check again if you have entered the promotional coupon code correctly.

Also, to make sure that you have successfully entered the code from the promotional coupon, in the section “Cart totals”, the entered code will be displayed together with the calculated promotion in the Cart totals payment.

Step 4:

At the end, when you click on the “Proceed to checkout” button in the calculation for your order, the code of the promotional coupon will be displayed, in order to use the promotional code in the order, click the “Place order” button.

Note: If for some reason you do not want to use the promotional coupon for the order you are currently processing, you can remove the promotional coupon at any time by clicking the “[Remove]” button. To re-use the promotional coupon you need to repeat the procedure from the beginning.