Are You a Criminal of War General Clark? : the ICTY as an instrument of war : documentary drama in four acts with presentation of slides

Издавач: Čigoja | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2016
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 201 | Димензии: 20 cm | Корица: /

Sima S. Mraovitch comes from Vrginmost of the former Republic Serbian Krajina of the former Yugoslavia. He got his PhD in Neurophysiology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Columbia University. He published books in medical science, Neural regulation of the Cerebral Blood Flow: an introduction, Libey, London 1996, in poetry, Kako da saberem korake (Editor) Yu International Inc., New York, 1982; Bezumne godine, Narodna Knjiga, Belgrade, Serbia 2002; Vreme nasilja i izdaje, Art print, Banja LukaSima S. Mraovitch comes from Vrginmost of the former Republic Serbian Krajina of the former Yugoslavia. He got his PhD in Neurophysiology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Columbia University. He published books in medical science, Neural regulation of the Cerebral Blood Flow: an introduction, Libey, London 1996, in poetry, Kako da saberem korake (Editor) Yu International Inc., New York, 1982; Bezumne godine, Narodna Knjiga, Belgrade, Serbia 2002; Vreme nasilja i izdaje, Art print, Banja

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ИСБН: 978-2-918174-00-4


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