Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics

Автор: S. Terry Canale
Издавач: Elsevier | Јазик: English | Година: 2012
Оригинален наслов: Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics | Бр. на страни: 4664 | Димензии: 28 | Корица: /

Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, by Drs. S. Terry Canale and James H. Beaty, continues to define your specialty, guiding you through when and how to perform every state-of-the-art procedure that's worth using. With hundreds of new procedures, over 7,000 new illustrations, a vastly expanded video collection, and new evidence-based criteria throughout, it takes excellence to a new level ...because that is what your practice is all about.

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