Death and the Dervish

Издавач: Vulkan izdavaštvo | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2018
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 391 | Димензии: 20 cm | Корица: /

Meša Selimović, one of former Yugoslavia’s very best novelists, in his ?nest work o?ers his readers an extraordinarily intricate examination of the anxious and incapacitated human heart, splayed against a backdrop of unsettling vagueness and mystery. The novel recounts the story of sheikh Ahmed Nuruddin, a dervish living in a kasaba in Bosnia, sometime during the Ottoman rule. When his brother is arrested, the dervish is uprooted from his serene life in the tekke and thrust in the reality of an unfair Meša Selimović, one of former Yugoslavia’s very best novelists, in his ?nest work o?ers his readers an extraordinarily intricate examination of the anxious and incapacitated human heart, splayed against a backdrop of unsettling vagueness and mystery. The novel recounts the story of sheikh Ahmed Nuruddin, a dervish living in a kasaba in Bosnia, sometime during the Ottoman rule. When his brother is arrested, the dervish is uprooted from his serene life in the tekke and thrust in the reality of an unfair

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ИСБН: 978-86-10-02363-3


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