Frakture Fractures

Издавач: Čigoja | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2023
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 306 | Димензии: 20 cm | Корица: тврда

Frakture su nastale u periodu od 1985. do 2021. godine u Londonu, Beogradu i Baru.

Ova svedena zbirka Branka Bogdana Lalevića kroz duboku refleksivnost kratke forme pesama daje nam omaž vremena i prostora u kojima se autor zatiče. Pesme su lične i duboko introspektivne, satkane poput kratkih crtica misli, nalik emotivnim frakturama koje sadašnjost ostavlja na nežnu dušu autora.

Zbirka je objavljena dvojezično na srpskom i engleskom.

The Fractures were created, in the period, between 1985 and 2021 in London, Belgrade and Bar.

This reduced collection of Branko Bogdan Lalević, through the deep reflexivity of the short form of poems, pays homage to the time and space in which the author finds himself. The poems are personal and deeply introspective, woven like short dashes of thought, similar to the emotional fractures that the present leaves on the author’s tender soul.

The collection is published bilingually, in Serbian and English.

Цена: 872 ден

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ИСБН: 978-86-531-0841-0


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