Memoirs of Arsène Lupin: The Countess of Cagliostro

Автор: Maurice Leblanc
Издавач: Арс ЛИБРИС | Јазик: English | Година: 2021
Оригинален наслов: Memoirs of Arsène Lupin: The Countess of Cagliostro | Бр. на страни: 240 | Димензии: 145х205 | Корица: тврда

In the process of writing his memoirs, Arsène Lupin takes us back to his early twenties and his first love: Clarice d’Etigues. Although forbidden by her father to meet, that doesn’t stop Ralph d’Andresy—Lupin’s nom du jour—from wooing Clarice. But when he finds evidence on the d’Etigues estate of a conspiracy to murder a woman, he cannot help but be drawn into the ensuing three-way race to a legendary treasure.

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ИСБН: 978-608-267-261-8


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