Slovenia in Your Hands : travel guide

Издавач: KOMSHE | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2013
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 269 | Димензии: 22 cm | Корица: /

This is the first edition of the Komshe travel guidebook to Slovenia, written and published by travel specialists from Southeastern Europe. The guide is divided into sections covering 5 regions of Slovenia (including the capital, Ljubljana), with more than 100 tourist destinations. The book includes regional and town maps, accommodation listings as well as other practical information. With this guide you can discover Slovenia’s history, culture, landscape, landscape and cuisine while gaining an understandinThis is the first edition of the Komshe travel guidebook to Slovenia, written and published by travel specialists from Southeastern Europe. The guide is divided into sections covering 5 regions of Slovenia (including the capital, Ljubljana), with more than 100 tourist destinations. The book includes regional and town maps, accommodation listings as well as other practical information. With this guide you can discover Slovenia’s history, culture, landscape, landscape and cuisine while gaining an

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ИСБН: 978-86-86245-16-8


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