The confessions of Arsène Lupin

Автор: Maurice Leblanc
Издавач: Арс ЛИБРИС | Јазик: English | Година: 2021
Оригинален наслов: The confessions of Arsène Lupin | Бр. на страни: 258 | Димензии: 145/205 | Корица: тврда

In the Confessions of Arsene Lupin, the gentleman thief outwits both policemen and criminals time and time again, always making sure to pocket something for himself. Plot Summary: It has been a fortnight since the baroness Repstein disappeared from Paris, taking with her a fortune in jewels stolen from her husband. French detectives have chased her all over Europe, following the trail of gemstones like so many precious breadcrumbs, but she has eluded their efforts. When Arsène Lupin finds her, she will not escape so easily.

Цена: 360 ден

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ИСБН: 978-608-267-257-1


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