Beyond the Adriatic Sea : A Plurality of Identities andFloating Borders in Visual Culture

Publisher: Mediterran Publishing | Language: Srpski | Year: 2015
Original title: / | Num. of pages: 248 | Dimensions: 20 cm | Cover: /

Beyond the Adriatic Sea: A Plurality of Identities and Floating Boarders in Visual Culture is a collection of papers published with the intention to present the various segments and the intertwined nature of culture and visual culture on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. This collection of papers explores the different sources, functions, presentations and receptions of visual culture on and around the Adriatic. It is grounded on the premise that visual culture is one of the fundamenBeyond the Adriatic Sea: A Plurality of Identities and Floating Boarders in Visual Culture is a collection of papers published with the intention to present the various segments and the intertwined nature of culture and visual culture on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. This collection of papers explores the different sources, functions, presentations and receptions of visual culture on and around the Adriatic. It is grounded on the premise that visual culture is one of the

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