
Издавач: Geopoetika | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2009
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 183 | Димензии: 20 cm | Корица: /

In gripping true-confession style, the narrator speaks of love, of family history, of the fragile little things that make us what we are. A woman in the prime of her life, her world coming apart at the seams... Think you already know this story? Think again. It's a brand-new tale in the skilful hands of Vida Ognjenović, whose well-known talents for the theatre are on full display in this award-winning venture into fiction. Join her leading lady, Amalija, on a soul-searching quest for true identity. If thereIn gripping true-confession style, the narrator speaks of love, of family history, of the fragile little things that make us what we are. A woman in the prime of her life, her world coming apart at the seams... Think you already know this story? Think again. It's a brand-new tale in the skilful hands of Vida Ognjenović, whose well-known talents for the theatre are on full display in this award-winning venture into fiction. Join her leading lady, Amalija, on a soul-searching quest for true identity. If

Цена: 775 ден

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ИСБН: 978-86-7666-205-0


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