Nove danske priče

Издавач: Bookland | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2013
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 129 | Димензии: 20 cm | Корица: /

Using the fine strokes of his familiar melancholic narrative, in Learning Cyrillic Albahari offers us an entire palette of finesses in this masterful portrait of identity. Against the background of the immigrant experience, the author presents us cameos which show the multi-faceted relationships of his characters with their surroundings. Here we have the intimate workings of the marital matrix, the gap (or exchange...) between generations, the relationship between a newcomer in the New World with the NativeUsing the fine strokes of his familiar melancholic narrative, in Learning Cyrillic Albahari offers us an entire palette of finesses in this masterful portrait of identity. Against the background of the immigrant experience, the author presents us cameos which show the multi-faceted relationships of his characters with their surroundings. Here we have the intimate workings of the marital matrix, the gap (or exchange...) between generations, the relationship between a newcomer in the New World with the

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ИСБН: 978-86-7182-498-9


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