
Publisher: Магор | Language: Македонски | Year: 2016
Original title: Planetarism | Num. of pages: 279 | Dimensions: 30 | Cover: мека

The idea of Planetarism was born by accident


After all, one of my aphorisms “One point everywhere, all the points in one” made me think about it. Then came “One art in all arts, all the arts in one.”

In fact, even from the outset I imagined Planetarism as a multimedia project.

The painting Planetarium was created during my journey around the world between 1996 and 1997. On this journey I was accompanied by a film crew from MRT (Macedonian Radio Television) and a photographer whose photographs later served as an authentic document in the monograph dedicated to the creation of the painting.

Afterwards, the idea of Planetarism continued to spread.

Initially this project was developed in the field of painting, film, video, photography, which later expanded to a ballet performance with the same name, followed by a book of poetry and several books with aphorisms. It can freely be said that the idea outgrew itself. But is there a boundary between the arts, whether they are called painting, sculpture, music, film, video, ballet, literature or design?

Painting equals colours, music equals sound, film and video are moving images, sculpture adds the third dimension, ballet melts the boundary between body and spirit, and literature through its words can turn the author or reader into a point, time, space or nothing.

There is also design which simplifies the form so as for it to be noticeable at first glance, and possibly later be experienced in a different way. Or all these arts might be an axis composed of several parts that can be understood, grow, enrich…

Thus, the performance of the ballet dancer reminds us of a bird’s flight, the spasm on the face of an unknown actor can freeze time, and the cold blue light that fills the interior of a night club can cause shivers in the look of a lonely wanderer sitting in the corner of that bar, or some thought might remind us that Confucius understood so well the human vanity as if he had lived for centuries. As a consolation let’s remember that in today’s world nothing is normal, unless you are crazy, and some say that art and artists are the closest sisters to craziness. It was in this way that Planetarism was created.


Kiro Urdin

Price: 2310 ден

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SKU: 978-608-223-495-3


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