Sanctified Life – Life with the Holy Spirit

Оригинален наслов: Осветен живот - Живот со Светиот Дух | Бр. на страни: 109 | Димензии: 130x175 | Корица: /

Reading this book, you will evoke excitement and you will feel not only tenderness, but a call that you personally have a significant role in the God’s Plan for the humanity. It is important to know that the impression of these information will reveal God’s Truth that for you it might look as uncovered secret that was hidden for a long time – Sanctified Life in unity with Lord Jesus Christ.

Many people don’t understand the presence and the residence of the Holy Spirit in the human being. The subject of this book  are the blessings that God gives through the Holy Spirit the gift of healing, the gift of wisdom, knowledge, ... and how to be filled with the Holy Spirit, uncovering the unknown and entering into the God’s Truth that gives freedom.

Color, luxury edition, English language

Цена: 250 ден


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Продавач Интернационална Христијанска (Холистичка) Академија

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ИСБН: 978-608-4644-09-5-a

Интернационална Христијанска (Холистичка) Академија


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