The Red Coffin

Автор: Sam Eastland
Издавач: Faber & Faber | Јазик: English | Година: 2011
Оригинален наслов: The Red Coffin | Бр. на страни: 368 | Димензии: 129x198 | Корица: /

Russia On the Brink of War - Stalin's Secret Weapon Sabotaged … It is 1939. In the Soviet Union, years of revolution, fear and persecution have left the country unprepared to face the onslaught of Nazi Germany. For the coming battles, Stalin has placed his hopes on the F-34 tank - a thirty-ton steel monster known as the ‘Red Coffin’ to those men who will soon be using it. But the design is not yet complete. And when Colonel Nagorski, the weapon’s secretive and eccentric architect, is found murdered, Stalin sends for Pekkala, his most trusted investigator. Once the favourite of the tsar, Pekkala is now in the service of the man who was once his greatest enemy. A Detective Whose Loyalty is Torn Between the Present and the Past ... Pekkala is not the only one whose loyalty is divided. A sinister group calling itself the White Guild, made up of former soldiers of the tsar, may be behind the death of Colonel Nagorski. While Soviet engineers struggle to complete the design of the tank, Pekkala must track down the White Guild and expose their plans to propel Germany and Russia into conflict. Russia's Most Famous Detective is Pitted Against its Most Formidable Adversary Yet ...

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