The dandelion hunter

Автор: Aleksić, Vesna
Издавач: Kreativni centar | Јазик: Srpski | Година: 2022
Оригинален наслов: / | Бр. на страни: 120 | Димензии: 19 cm | Корица: /

Maša is not afraid of anything – not the dark, not the storm, not a mouse or a snake. She has only one great fear, which she must not share with anyone, not even her mother. She is afraid that she will forget her father, who taught her to hunt for dandelions. Maša’s best friend is called Janko and he is her deskmate. He was a bit unusual at first. He was terribly angry and did not want to talk to anyone, not even Maša. With the help of her mum Senja, aunt Dragojla and a good teacher, Maša and Janko will overcome their fears and learn a lot about love and friendship.

Цена: 1125 ден

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ИСБН: 978-86-529-1102-8


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