Издавач: БАТА ПРЕСС | Јазик: English | Година: 2007
Оригинален наслов: THE WHITE LUNE | Бр. на страни: 255 | Димензии: 21 | Корица: /

The beauty of the novel The White Lune is in the freedom of experience and interpretation, a vast expanse of purgatory between heaven and earth in which everybody finds their own solution and way of travel. The author left the reader the room to thing and choose, to condemn or understand. We are rarely ready to confront ourselves and pass through our personality, so life scourges us lest we should fall asleep. It is easy to condemn both oneself and the other and take revenge in the darkness; but it is our deeds that tell who we really are. And the author's work is painful process, just like the White Lune, a constant change and humilitation which help us understand the divine nature, the ray of God that makes us alive in the steep precipices of the heart 
From the review by Vesna Popovic

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