U senci ginka – In the shade of a gingko tree

Publisher: Prometej - Novi Sad | Language: Srpski | Year: 2021
Original title: / | Num. of pages: 30 | Dimensions: 21 cm | Cover: тврда

Jednočinka na zanimljiv način uz odmeren humor približava deci naučna znanja iz biologije, astronomije i filozofije. Takođe, kontrast između bajkovitog prikaza nastanka sveta i egzaktnih činjenica nenametljivo ističe razliku između umetničkog i naučnog pogleda na svet i podstiče čitaoce da i sami sagledaju stvarnost na više načina. Struktura jednočinke omogućava adaptacije koje bi je učinile pristupačnijom deci. Dramski tekst moguće je lako prebaciti u prozni ili napraviti scenario za strip formu. The one-act play brings children closer to scientific knowledge from biology, astronomy and philosophy, in an interesting way and with polite humor. Also, the contrast between the fairy-tale depiction of the origin of the world and the exact facts discreetly emphasizes the difference between the artistic and scientific view of the world and encourages readers to see reality in several ways. The structure of the one-act play allows adaptations that would make it more accessible to children. It would be very easy to convert a drama script into a prose or create a script for a comics.

Price: 664 ден

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SKU: 978-86-515-1795-5


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